Monday, November 15, 2010


I've finally got some time to sit back and relax. Not for long, mind you, but at least a couple of days.

Sadly, I had to quit my part-time job as it was getting too hard for me to stand for any length of time. With Christmas coming, the customer service booth is going to extended hours and I just can't do that anymore. My knees and my back are just too old for me to stand for anymore than 2 hours. It's too bad because I really did enjoy my job.

Baby Koah is growing quickly. He is now 2 months old and smiling like there's no tomorrow!! I don't have any new pictures but as soon as I do, I'll be posting them.

My grandgirls are getting excited about Christmas. I will have Kylie for the day tomorrow and that should be fun since it's just her alone. A real Oma and Kylie day. She's become quite the little girl! Loves to dress up and nail polish and lipstick so it looks like I've finally got my little girly girl!

The Craft Fair unfortunately, did not pan out like I thought it would and sadly we didn't make a whole lot of money. I worked so hard for those 2 days but I think people are just being very careful with their money this year. There were a lot of people but not many of them were buying. I also think they're waiting for a little bit closer to Christmas for spending their money. So now I have a whole pile of Christmas cards just sitting there. However, it will come in handy for next year as it means I won't have to make as many as I did this year!

So that's it for me. I will try to get some pictures up hopefully with the kids and some of my Christmas cards.

Until next time...

Monday, November 1, 2010


When did Hallowe'en become all about how much candy the kids get?

I had to work yesterday afternoon at the Mall and the kids converged on the Customer Booth like flies to honey! I couldn't believe the amount of kids (and adults) that came up with their bags open wanting candy. Well, surprise, surprise we didn't have any candy and instead handed out balloons! Pink and blue balloons - colours for gender specific kids! Although with some of the costumes, it was hard to tell if boys were boys and girls were girls. After the "rush" was over and we had closed everything down and I was on my way home, I had time to reflect.

When I was a child we would dress up and take a pillow case with us to go trick or treating. Usually, we made 2 trips home before the night was over to empty our pillow cases and then back we would go for more. We always said, "thank you". Always! What's happened to kids today? Instead of a "thank you" we received snide remarks like, "is that all we get?" or "where's the candy?" And most of them pushing to get to the front and then didn't even bother saying anything! And parents coming up for their kids and then yelling out loud..."all they have are balloons, let's go to the next store!" What happened to good manners? Kids pushing, shoving, pinching, yelling...what is that all about? The adults aren't much better either as they make smart remarks in front of their kids and then wonder why their kids make smart aleck comments to them.

It's a sad society these days. I have just one thing to say to all those kids (and parents) yesterday who weren't happy with a balloon...there are lots of reasons why you only got a being Management were going to cancel the give-away altogether! Be thankful you got anything at all.

Until next time...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Another day, another 10 cards.

I've been nose to the grindstone getting more cards ready for the Craft Fair.
Mary (my girlfriend of 36 years) and I went to the Craft Fair site today to scope out the size of the tables. They're huge! But we'll have lots to cover the table with. It's getting closer and it's making me realize how close Christmas is coming...yet again! I swear it comes faster and faster each year!
Can't wait until the Craft Fair. Mary has the most stunning purses made up. I know she'll do well with them. I have my eye on a pink one since pink is my favourite colour!
Until next time...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My oldest granddaughter and my youngest grandson!

Time Flies

So here it is October 28th and not long to go before the flakes start to fall.  If the Farmer's Almanac is right, this year will be a coooold winter with lots of precipitation - in other words SNOW!  Now I like snow for the most part but on the mountains, where it belongs!  Driving in it, especially in this town, is tough!  People just don't know how to drive in snow.  They get all panicky and slam on brakes and run red lights and just plain don't think ahead!  Nobody buys snow tires until the first snow and then the tire shops are busy 24 hours a day!!  But with luck, it won't be so bad! 

I've been able to get my cards sorted and set up to see if I need more, which I do, which means I'm still no further ahead than I was the last time I posted!  But I have a good routine now.  My hours at work are pretty much "set in stone" so I can plan my days.  The Craft Fair is a week this Saturday so I really need to work at getting more of a selection.  So far I have loads of Christmas cards but not many other occasion cards!  So will need to get an assembly line going.  I don't like doing the assembly line thing because it takes away from putting special touches on individual cards.  But it's my own fault for having left it all to the last minute.  And here I thought I could work under pressure! 

So that's it for now.  My baby grandson is growing in leaps and bounds and is almost 2 months old!!  As I said...time flies!

Until next time...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Christmas is Coming

I've been busy creating Christmas cards like crazy and am building up quite a good supply.  In amongst all of this card creating stuff, my baby grandson was born.  September 5th weighing in at 8lbs 8 oz. and 21 inches long.  He's absolutely perfect and such a very good baby.  The grandgirls are happy with their little brother and I can just see them in a year or so painting his toenails and putting beaded necklaces on his neck.  What fun!!  My daughter-in-law was very brave and had him absolutely with no drugs.  Pretty amazing! 

So now it's time to put my nose to the grindstone and get making more cards.  November is fast approaching and so is the Craft Fair.  We've decided to add a few things to our stock and it's very exciting.  Will be posting a few of my cards, etc. that I'm going to be selling at the Fair as well pictures of my baby grandson.  So I'll leave this now and get back to work.  Hope all is well with everyone.

Until next time...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to it!

I've neglected this blog for quite a while and thought I should come back into it and keep it active.  A lot of wonderful things have happened since my last post.  Probably the one that tops them all is the birth of my 4th grandchild!  He came into the world on September 5th, 2010 at 9:05 pm weighing in at 8 lbs. 8 oz.  He is 21" long.  The most beautiful, perfect child.  He came into the world crying but soon stopped and "looked" around and it's as if he was saying, "wow, this is neat"!  He's a good baby.  Established his eating times and sleeping times well into his 3rd day.  My beautiful daughter-in-law got him into a routine right away.  I've seen all but one of my grandchildren being born and I have to say that each time I marvel at the miracle of birth! 

As I mentioned there were a lot of wonderful things happening since my last post.  Another wonderful event was getting together with an awesome woman to begin a business.  With luck, we're planning to make this business one so lucrative that we can tell our bosses, au revoir!  Still a lot of stuff in the planning stages but it's going to come together soon.

I have to get going on the cards for the Christmas Craft Fair that I'm booked into.  I've managed to create a lot but need many, many more for a variety.  Some days are devoted to spending with my new grandson so I don't get anything done and other times, I sit in front of this computer designing and re-designing.  So need to get my nose to the grindstone (where did that saying come from anyway) and get movin'! 

So I'll post this and try hard to keep it updated.  Once I figure out how to post pictures, I'll put up a few of my new grandson.

Until next time!